MS20 - Innovative applications and approaches in Topology Optimization

Keywords: Topology Optimization; Design optimization; Multiphysics; Numerical Approaches; Application Design

Dustin R. Jantos (1) –
Georgia Kikis (2) –

(1) Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Continuum Mechanics, Germany
(2) Universität Duisburg-Essen, Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke, Germany

Computational optimization has gained increasing popularity over the last decades. This development has been enhanced by new manufacturing techniques and the introduction of advanced materials and composites. Especially topology optimization has become more practical and less theoretical due to improved numerical methods and increasing computational power. Starting from classical mechanical optimization, i.e. optimizing the stiffness of a structure under given loading conditions, a wide range of possible optimization applications has emerged. This includes, for example, optimization under specific characteristics or restrictions in a given manufacturing process. Additionally, variations in the objectives of the optimization process are possible, for instance, designing compliant mechanisms to optimize elastic hinges or acoustic insulators. Furthermore, non-mechanical optimizations have been applied, for example for developing special antennas or coil topologies that generate electro-magnetic fields suited for specific applications or for creating optical elements that produce desired light interferences.

This minisymposium tries to explore these less classical applications of topology optimization and innovative approaches in their current state of research. Non-mechanical and multi-physics or multi-objective approaches are welcome as well as optimizations with special objective functions including restrictions for specific applications in engineering.